Show My IP: your IP Address, User-Agent and Client Info explained

Show My IP: visualizzare l'indirizzo IP e lo User-Agent dell'utente corrente in modo "sicuro"

To get straight to the point: your current IP address is If you want to also look at your User-Agent, Proxy-Forwarded IP and/or Client IP you can visit this page. If you're interested in additional info regarding this topic, keep reading.

It's not uncommon, while developing web sites & services, to have the sudden urgency to check the public IP of the machine we're using or configuring: against a third-party service - the one used for Internet connection, if more than one. Of course we could do that in a number of different ways -   ipconfig , router admin interface & more -  but nothing is as immediate, undebateable and bullet-proof such a good old "ShowMyIP" service: no wonder there are thousands of these - all very similar to each other. There's nothing wrong in using them, expecially if you need to have this information in a matter of seconds.

Personally, I do have three main issues with the vast majority (99.9%) of all these websites:

  • the insanely huge amount of Ads, which often also do their best to hide the actual information we're looking for: that's the main reason for them to being there most of the times.
  • the blatant inability of being able to show the IP address in the right place, such as the above-the-fold portion of the page: could it be so difficult, in a web service born to show precisely that info? Of course it is, expecially if the real purpose is showing us all of these Ads.
  • the chronic lackness of client info such as IP-Forwarded Proxy, User-Agent, Custom Headers, Client-IP and moreOk, we're not talking of the core business here, which is showing the actual IP Address: I can accept that. But we're talking about useful, relevant info which could be very useful to a lot of users who went there looking to obtain hints regarding their client... there could be worse things to fill up the web page with... Like the Ads, for example.

That's why I resolved to create my very own ShowMyIP page, featuring the following info:

  • Client IP Address sent by the Web Server, with a small explanation about how it has been fetched.
  • Proxy-Forwarded IP Address (if present), with a small explanation about how it has been fetched and how (un)reliable it is.
  • Client IP Address (if present), with a small explanation about how it has been fetched and how (un)reliable it is.
  • User-Agent sent by the browser, coupled with some client-related info.

You can take a look at that page by clicking here: below the post, for the geeks among you, I also published the PHP code I wrote to create it, with detailed comments.

If you would like to add more client-related info to the page, please let me know and I'll add them.

Happy sniffing!


About Ryan

IT Project Manager, Web Interface Architect and Lead Developer for many high-traffic web sites & services hosted in Italy and Europe. Since 2010 it's also a lead designer for many App and games for Android, iOS and Windows Phone mobile devices for a number of italian companies. Microsoft MVP for Development Technologies since 2018.

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