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Want Real Cyber Protection? Get a Private Email Account

Want Real Cyber Protection? Get a Private Email Account

These days cybersecurity and digital hacking is a very real threat. With more and more people going digital from our identity to financial info, our security is at risk. Today, cyber attacks no longer are restricted in the guise of malware or computer files, now even your own private e-mail can turn into a hacker’s playground.

In this post, we are going to explain how and why a hacker can invade your private email, how a private e-mail service works. We'll also host a brief review of EPRIVO, the private e-mail service we have have been testing these days, together with a list of its most interesting and unique features.


How can you tell if your email has been hacked in the first place? Maybe a colleague or peer asks you why they are getting spam from you suddenly, your other accounts have been accessed or it's possible that a hacker will erase all your contacts and/or saved emails. There are some traditional steps to take in this situation. We have probably all used password recovery mode where our password is sent to a backup email address so we can log in. People in the security space will tell you that your choice of password makes the difference between being hacked and losing everything to not. The standard advice for a strong password is a password that contains 10-12 letters, different characters, and symbols. The longer the better.

Also, never use the same password in multiple spots. Although most of us do this, it just makes it easier for hackers. Think of it like using the same key to your car, house, rental apartment and office. A burglar who finds that key will have a field day robbing you blind. Still, a hacker may be able to infiltrate using advanced hacking techniques like phishing, for example.

Quick Note: Phishing happens when a hacker pretends to be from a legitimate company, maybe one you even do business with or have in the past. By doing so, they are able to request your username, password, or other sensitive information.

Prevention is always the first form of protection against hacks like this, namely setting up a private email account.

What is Private Email?

A private email account refers to an email system that is on a private server. Basically, this means you have your own private email system for your entire computer including programs. Now just as we have seen in huge email attacks like Sony, hackers are able to surpass almost any security measures. They are a nearly unstoppable force. Even tactics like not forwarding as much, changing passwords and other smart strategies can help it really comes down to how protected do you want to be.

After all, no one would lock their door and leave their windows wide open. This is why using private email is a great first step. Experts, however, recommend not stopping at a private email account, but adding more measures that they provide, thankfully, as well.

Private Email management with EPRIVO

EPRIVO is a new service that offers a full-fledged sender-controlled private email management. This basically means that, whenever you don’t want the readers to be able to read one or more of your e-mail messages any longer, you can just take them back anytime. Such option is not available in any of the mailing services like Gmail, Yahoo, and other such services offering encryption, thus making EPRIVO a unique privacy control software: your emails can be erased from both cloud and recipients’ devices anytime you want it.

Want Real Cyber Protection? Get a Private Email Account

Here's a list of EPRIVO most interesting features:

  • Secure your current email address - that means ANY accounts can be privatized. Other companies would have you operate through them, which ironically can open itself up to other security issues.
  • No data storage on EPRIVO servers. This is a healthy separation of roles between email hosting and security provider: the main way that other private email accounts fall short is in their storing of emails, which means your security and email are both vulnerable.
  • Hardware security. Digital security is important but there are also hardware considerations as well. Anything in a file or program is up for grabs, so to speak, EPRIVO includes physical security components as well that can be envisioned as an additional layer of security.
  • Industry-unique privacy controls: the sender is able to "recall" each sent private e-mail message, meaning that he/she has full control in both cloud and recipients’ devices. The "recalled" e-mail messages literally disappear from both the cloud and the final recipients!
  • Strong Encryption: data encryption is one of the top ways to prevent hackers: EPRIVO uses their private e-mail account in a way that encrypts or disguises all information, thus rendering it inaccessible to scan.

When it comes to privacy, every measure should be taken. The safety of your personal accounts, family and work depend on your discretion. Companies like EPRIVO, together with the software they create, can be very useful to provide solid cyber protection against attacks through user-friendly private email accounts.


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