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10 Must-Have features for a WordPress Website in 2019

10 Must-Have features for a WordPress Website in 2019

Day after day everything changes in the online sales industry, and with that changes WordPress – the best base to build your network on. Of course, interaction with customers is something crucial and essential, and we can’t let anybody stop us from making our website better by adding different WordPress features in it.

While some developers know what and how to implement into their page, not every website in 2019 will look attractive for the customers. Trends can be hard to carry and too flimsy actually to use, and some of us might not want to change our layout every month. Yet, some of them can be amazing for smaller business to grow customers, and they make you realize that using them was a smart thing. We'll present to you the best features that will probably stick with you.

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It doesn’t matter if your website is about accounting or education; every customer should be happy and should find your site eye-catching and understandable. Think about users tastes while trying these custom plugins on.

1. Catch their attention

Not everybody likes lead captures, especially if they are huge and pop out unexpectedly. But it’s a good way to find new customers and make them interact with your site more. Make your lead capture small, place it in the right corner, and we guarantee that you’ll find people who are interested in being your user, not only visitor that comes and goes.

2. Chat with them

When you can’t chat with every customer yourself, there are personalized bots that can once again turn your random lead to a customer with their smart feature. They can work together with your CRM and look into what the visitor was interested in your network, for example, if you’re a financial business, your bot will pick the most interesting theme for the visitor, like cryptocurrency investment or trading.

3. Online on mobile

It's already established that you need to have a good mobile version of your website because almost all the users will access your site through mobile devices. But, the best way to make the user’s experience online happy and professional is to make it customizable. For example, you can hide some elements for the page to work better.

10 Must-Have features for a WordPress Website in 2019

4. Contact them

As much as old contact forms can be boring, they are not completely customizable and light for your website in terms of programming. For example, if your future customer was searching for an assignment service while writing their essay, and they found your assignment writing service in Australia, you can easily track down how they found it and what they were searching for to make the form personalized. This way you will receive more information about customers and their feedback.

5. Sticky elements

Every website in 2019 should have sticky elements as its main priority because this is the best transformation from the annoying old setup. It can help prevent some reliable information from getting lost and make your visitor in Australia click on it when they are searching for someone to write their assignment.

6. Show them

When you want to take your website to the extreme, but not sure if something may suit you, try a drag and drop theme with a video header. This feature is extremely popular lately and can leave an impression on the visitor.

Inside experience

Some of the important parts, though, are hidden inside the platform, and it’s always worth paying attention to some of them. Especially when you’re a financial business or an assignment service in Australia, you should have the best WordPress features for your website to work better.

7. Maintain your website

When you're working with WordPress, you know that it's the most popular and convenient platform to manage. What you may not know is that it's easy to hack and it's one of the main targets of malicious spammers and hackers. A website maintenance plan can prevent those from attacking you, and it also updates your plugin software.

8. Load the pages faster

This tip is not only to please your users anymore. You need your website pages to load faster just to keep your positions in search engines, as you may lose your high rank if your page opens slower. Some may say that cache plugins can improve your performance, but having a good website host is the main point.

9. Look into your website

With a free service from Google called Google Search Console, you can achieve more and access information like your website’s search ranking, the health of your website issues it has. You can add your website through your Google account to make it the most helpful, and you can also pair it with other Google services.

10. Find out something about your visitors

If you don’t know which services Google can provide aside from Search Console, we’ll say that the best out of them is also Google Analytics Tracking. This service will track the number of your visitors and their actions, and you’ll be able to see how the interaction with your content is working with real users of your website.

As you can see, even if those ten positions are complete new trends, they are also easy to use and important to incorporate into your website for the best performance. It’s not something that will pass soon, and we’re pretty sure that most of the business owners won’t drop the new features and plugins; they are already becoming essential things among users.

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