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Manning Permanent Promo Code - 35% discount on all catalog

Manning Permanent Promo Code - 35% discount on all catalog

I'm pleased to say that Manning Publications - a well-known publisher of computer books, videos, and projects for software developers, engineers, architects, system administrators, managers, and all who are professionally involved with the computer business - created a permanent promo code just for this website:


The above promo code can be used to get a 35% discount off all Manning products, in all formats (including digital & paperback books, as well as video courses), including - yet not limited to - my ASP.NET Core Web API upcoming book:

Manning Permanent Promo Code - 35% discount on all catalog

The ASP.NET Core Web API book is currently in MEAP status, meaning that can be already purchased online from the Manning website: for additional info, read this post.

Introducing Manning Publications

For those that don't know Manning Publications,  we're talking about one of the most important independent publishers for computer-related books for IT professionals:  however, they also publish for students and young programmers, including occasionally for children.

The term "independent" has no marginal meaning: the company is not owned by a large corporate entity and is, therefore, free to make decisions without any bureaucratic overhead. Such an approach allowed Manning to innovate and be flexible, quickly adjusting what they do as we go. A perfect example of that is the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP), which gave readers access to the book's content as soon as it was readable.

Manning publications include standalone titles as well as the following book series:

  • Hello!
  • In Action
  • In Practice
  • In Depth
  • In a Month of Lunches

Manning books are available online (through the Manning Early Access Program), Safari Books Online, and iBooks; Print copies, wherever they are bought, come with free electronic versions in PDF, ePub, and Kindle formats. Each printed copy can also be registered on the Manning website, which gives the owner the chance to download the digital versions from their personal account.


If you plan to purchase a Manning book or video course, be sure to use the au35san promo code!


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