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How to share the screen of an Android Tablet or Smartphone on a Smart TV

Come condividere lo schermo di un Tablet o Smartphone Android su una Smart TV

One of the most interesting (and least known) features of Android devices is certainly Screen Mirroring, the tool that allows you to activate real-time sharing between the video and audio of your mobile device with a Smart TV.

In an era like ours, characterized by almost total connectivity, the TV is no longer the most commonly used tool for digital video playback: at the same, a TV screen it's still one of the best way to enjoy video for obvious reasons: first of all, the dimensions and the audio capability, especially if our TV is connected to a good high fidelity system. For such reasons, it is certainly advisable to know how to use the available tools that will allow us to use our TV as a receiver, streaming source content from numerous other devices connected via cable or wireless... Especially if such tools come with no additional costs, as in the case of Screen Mirroring: a feature that exploits the Miracast technology to perform a real streaming in real time on two devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network, available for free as it is included in the main Android distributions (starting from 4.2).

How to activate Screen Mirroring

To activate Screen Mirroring between a mobile device (source) and a Smart TV (destination) follow the steps below:

  • Turn on the TV and make sure it is properly connected to the Wi-Fi network.
  • Turn on the Mobile Device and make sure it is connected to the same Wi-Fi network to which the TV is connected.
  • From the Mobile Device, go to the Settings > Connections menu.
  • Select Screen Mirroring and accept the activation of the feature. The mobile device will scan your LAN looking for compatible devices, much like it usually does when scanning the available wireless networks: if everything goes well, within a few seconds you should see your Smart TV doing the its appearance in the list.
  • Select (tap) the Smart TV icon: such gesture will cause the appearance of a connection popup. Within a few moments the Smart TV should receive a connection request, displaying in turn a popup through which it will be possible to accept or reject.
  • Accept the connection request on the Smart TV.

If all goes well, once the connection request is accepted, the dashboard of your mobile device will be visible on the Smart TV screen.

How to share the screen of an Android Tablet or Smartphone on a Smart TV

Not bad, right?

Once connected, it will be possible to see (and listen to) photos and videos of any kind, using any application installed on your mobile device.

Needless to say, this method will work only if both devices - the source mobile device and the target Smart TV - are compatible with the Miracast standard and also connected to the same LAN.


That's all for now: we hope this article will be useful to those looking for a guide to connect their smartphone or tablet to the TV.

See you next time: happy sharing!


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