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Android Studio: customize the "back to parent" ActionBar icon image (homeAsUpIndicator)

Like you probably already know, the ActionBar of an Android App can be set to allow backwards navigation from a child Activity to its parent, assuming that the relationship has been properly configured in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

We won't go any further: for a full reference guide to Backwards / Up Navigation we strongly suggest reading the official documentation. We're just pointing out that, in order to show the "up to parent" icon, we need to set up the  setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled()  method accordingly:

This simple command will bring the backwards navigation icon into the leftmost side of the activity ActionBar

In order to replace the default theme icon with a custom drawable image we need to add the following declaration to our theme xml file:

The theme file location may vary: it can be  /values/styles.xml  or   /values/themes.xml  or even another file, depending on your app project configuration. Also remember that, if you are supporting pre-11 APIs, the above declaration should be put into the theme file located into the  /values-v11/ folder, whileast the theme file in  /values/  would require the old API style syntax instead:


Here's a couple .rar archives containing some homeAsUpIndicator icons you can use to replace your theme's default ones: they are both white, so they could be a nice fit if your ActionBar features a black or dark-colored background color.

Happy coding!

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