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Game of the Year Pitch Deck Strategies

Game of the Year Pitch Deck Strategies

In this post we'll talk about Venngage, a free pitch deck maker with templates for startups, nonprofits, and more. With Venngage, users can import their images or use our stock photos to create pitch decks, also known as presentation decks, with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. You can also upload videos directly from YouTube or Vimeo or link to them in your pitch deck.

The first step is coming up with a concept for your game: what does it look like? What's its name? Who's making it? And so on... After deciding on these details, you can start creating your pitch deck. You can start with a pitch deck template from Venngage, or you could build one of your own.

Game of the Year Pitch Deck Strategies

Here are a few pitch deck strategies to get you started.

  • Start with an engaging intro. The first slide is usually a title page and photo of your game—make sure this image looks great! Then comes the headline, which summarizes what investors will learn by reading through your pitch deck examples. Finally, write about how Venngage can help entrepreneurs like yourself build better investor decks than ever before.
  • Find the right balance of text and graphics. A pitch deck should be simple, easy to understand at first glance, and visually attractive—but it also needs enough detail for investors to take your project seriously.
  • Get straight to the point. Investors are busy, so you should keep your pitch deck to the point. If there's too much information on one slide, just break up that section into multiple slides or eliminate some.
  • Make sure that your pitch is polished. All elements (the words on this page, the font; colours; etc.) need to work together. You want each piece supporting one another rather than competing with or contradicting other parts of the presentation. And don't forget about flow! Having every slide follow seamlessly from one another builds trust between you and your audience members while showing them how passionate you are about what you do.
  • Show, don't tell. It's important to show investors what you do rather than just telling them about it. They need proof of your ability—which is why sales decks are so effective.
  • Make your investor pitch deck about them. Instead of creating a pitch deck that's all about you, make it more about the investors. How are they going to benefit from working with you? Why do they need what you have to offer? What makes your project worth their time and money?
  • Use emotions effectively. You want to get across how passionate you are without making it seem like bragging or exaggeration. Letting your audience members into an emotional mindset will help them relate better to what you're saying and convince them that this is something they should care about too!
  • Choose the right audience. Make sure you're pitching to the right people. You want a pitch that will be an excellent fit for your audience and excellent use of time—so find out if they have any relevant experience or knowledge before going too far into your pitch deck.
  • Use video. We can't stress enough how effective pitch videos are. They allow you to connect with viewers personally and show them your vision in action. Videos also enable investors to view multiple angles of your pitch deck—the parts that get left out when it's just text or images on paper.
  • Keep it short. Pitch decks are meant to be quick, easy reads. If your pitch deck is too long or wordy, you'll lose the interest of investors before they even get a chance to see what makes your video game unique and special.
  • Third-Party opinion. Have the pitch deck reviewed by other people whose opinions you trust. Your friends, family members, mentors, or business partners are great resources for feedback. Present your pitch to them and ask what they think. You want every slide of your pitch deck to be as straightforward as possible—and that's much easier if someone else offers their guidance!

When it comes to pitching investors and publishers, a pitch deck is a perfect way to sell them on your game's potential success—and that means creating an impressive display that leaves everyone wanting more. You also need to take content marketing seriously as well.

Content creation is essential for generating interest in any product or service, but it's crucial to tell your story when pitching a new business idea. Getting a pitch deck right is one of the most essential steps in this process, but it's only half the battle—you need to make sure you have compelling content that does more than just tell people what you do and why they should buy from you.

Pitch Deck Takeaway

The best pitch decks are well-designed and professional; they're persuasive and attractive in their presentation. They should entice stakeholders by highlighting all aspects of what makes excellent games so popular: compelling visuals (including screenshots), captivating storylines (with concise descriptions), and enticing incentives like special features or rewards for backers when funding goals are met.

And lastly, remember that the most successful pitch deck strategies are made for each specific audience, not general audiences in general (even if that means showing elements like logos or screenshots). Investors know when something doesn't belong, and they can even be turned off by it since it shows a lack of effort on your part; plus, some details may end up swaying their opinions one way or another without even knowing. Software tools like Venngage can help entrepreneurs create beautiful pitch decks in no time at all, since they also come with free templates for startups, nonprofits, bloggers, and writers.


That's it, at least for now: we hope that you'll find this post useful if you're looking for good strategy tips to create your pitch deck. Furthermore, if you're looking for a free software, you can definitely give Venngage a try: it only takes minutes to create striking pitch decks.


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