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Tips for Working with Virtual Agile Development Teams

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Agile techniques are useful when every member of the team is within the same location. Bringing the teams together makes it easier to ask questions and find solutions to problems without scheduling a meeting. However, technology seems to improve every day. Now, things like web conferencing, group chats, and email are becoming the new trend but aren't as effective as person-to-person interactions.

With that in mind, organizations can still make agile methodologies successful with virtual teams, although it requires a lot of work and experimentation. Team members have to develop optimal use of technologies and adjust communication styles to a methodology that facilitates team productivity, collaboration, and quality. Using virtual teams well can be quite beneficial in software outsourcing for any company. This article contains tips for working with agile development teams and remaining productive.

Clearly define the communication channels

One of the most critical priorities of agile software development is fluent, effective team communication. It is one of the things that facilitates building products that meet the clients' needs and expectations. When using virtual teams, you have to come up with a way of allowing everyone to work more closely together with shared understanding. Think of things like background conversations that can take place during meetings. Such efforts enhance collaboration in the team, just like with nearshore software development. Keep in mind d that frequent communication is crucial in enhancing team performance and, as a result, a better final product.

Set standards and expectations

Before you start any project, you must ensure your virtual agile development teams understand what is expected from them. It doesn't have to be complicated. The main point is to get everyone working towards a common goal. For instance, you can create a list of the expectations and standards then pass them to your team. Think of things like when the teams should partake in virtual daily start-ups or the maximum time before responding to communication outreach. When you have a set of standards and expectations, the team will have a reference point to work with.

Measure the progress of the team

With metrics like KPIs, it has become more comfortable to measure team performance, track project status, and enhance alignment with the overall business goals. When using virtual teams, such measurements play a crucial role in identifying any issues that may arise hence fixing things quickly. It is one of the most effective ways for the company to know that the virtual team is handling things well. Likewise, it can be a source of motivation for people on the frontline. Ensure you communicate regular wins throughout the team even when not physically together to keep their morale high.

Agile teams must recognize what it means to work virtually and develop strategies for adapting to the changes in their organization's business model. One of the biggest secrets about being agile is not just following the agile practices but recognizing when and how to change. Business goals are only met when there is a clear course of action.


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